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Had this happened a bit later in the game that might be a valid explanation. You will automatically reach up and free your feet, dropping to the ground. He is the literal face and name of the gang so he represents it. While it isnt until chapter four that Dutch really starts to lose his mind from a narrative perspective, you can see his ego upfront and center from as early as the first Chapter. Because When John said he became more of what he was, he was corrected by Arthur who says i guess it's just Micah getting to his head. RELATED: Red Dead Online Players Can Now Turn Into Rabbits. I was going to say you're like a son to me, but you're more than that." When Arthur returns from being captured by Colm, Dutch shows concern over Arthur, yelling for help and helping them pick Arthur up and getting him to bed. Na. American stage actor, director, playwright, screenwriter and producer [1] Rosa Albach-Retty. Quest Giver: Micah Its weird they didnt look for him immediately when he didnt show. RELATED: The Best Horses In Video Game History. He made it back to camp so, whatevs to everyone else. TL;DR Dutch is an asshole. Dutch did treat Colms execution as nothing more than a loose end despite being rivals for years. He wanted to humiliate Dutch and get his freedom by turning Dutch in to the law. After eight days though, Colm had decided to do something about it. What do I know? Yes. Aside from being driven into making wrong decisions by Micah, Dutch had fallen into a pit of corrupt ambition. It is genuinely worth discussing as even Hoseas name can be seen in the ledger, and often at that. Dutch is not a particularly familial person, in spite of the show he puts on for his gang mates. This would make sense, as most of the members have lost their families or ran away from them. But Arthur is notorious for going off by himself for weeks by that point ( because the player obviously free roams) so its not out of character for him. Dutch is pretty much defenseless: there's him, Micah and Arthur and Micah is a turncoat that sold Arthur out. Right now, it looks as silly as Colm leaving a lock pick within swinging distance of Arthur, all just for dramatic effect and a weird contrivance to move the plot forward. Of course the man was oozing confidence. Arthur is wounded, tortured and imprisoned. With the Ocarina of Time gladly sitting as his favorite game of all time, Anthony is a sucker for any game that has players wielding a fabled sword, but can still appreciate everything from a solid sports title to a game with a deep multiplayer experience. Both characters did not have a family and were committing crimes before being saved by Dutch. Your horse is tied up just to the east of your weapons cache. I like that theory too and it supports the theory Dutch went crazy and thats why he was so paranoid. I mean he left John to die multiple times throughout this story for his own betterment. RELATED: Red Dead Online: 10 Most Usable Emotes. Did Micah even think Dutch would do that? I think Dutch never really cared for anyone. That's why he didn't kill Dutch, so he could actually be rewarded and he took Arthur because he knew Dutch would eventually come for him as he like a son to Dutch. RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2: The 10 Most Craziest Random Encounters You Probably Missed. Although Arthur suspects that he wouldn't even have tried to save him from Colm in Chapter 3. In a struggle with Milton, Arthur is losing until Abigail . The reasoning that he wants to capture the whole gang doesn't really hold water. Brian Winters is a video game fan from Ocean Springs, Mississippi. They terrorized the West until 1899 when a botched train robbery occurs, and several gang members leave Arthur and John to die. Which in the story mean keeping conrolof his gang. Granted, it actually does inspire others to donate, but theyre already more or less ingrained in a cult by that point. Hoseas demise right before Guarma, with everything else going on at that point, he just became a paranoid, crazed man. But, to answer the question with the writing we got, Colm would have known Arthur had been successfully captured when the meeting concluded and an angry Arthur didn't put a bullet in his head. Dutch and Arthur follow one of them and, after overhearing their plan, Dutch sends Arthur to deal with a sniper up on the roofs while he returns to Sadie. Following the events of being caught after an attack on an O'driscoll camp up in the grizzlies, Kieran is brought along with Dutch's boys and tied to the tree stump at horseshoe overlook, but certain men are sympathetic towards him. "Urban Pleasures" occurs only two missions . Dutch is quicker to call his gang a family than an actual gang. Dutch seems to agree with the author's view of the world. So why let Dutch leave? I don't think it's too weird. The way Hosea and Dutch met was, ironically, while they were trying to rob each other. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. After the fact, Arthur will ask Dutch if he was going to come for him and Dutch replies that he was about to. Should you return to Blackwater during the course of the game, feel free to visit the Blackwater Cemetery. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. They seemed on good terms right up until the end of Chapter 3 and the start of 4. Traveling the world ofRed Dead II will reveal secretsabout them, but some secrets about Dutch, in particular, will require a little sleuthing. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. The lack of things like that made that whole section fall super flat for me since there's so little reaction to it at all. We get to see how both of them tried to apologize to Arthur after he recovered from the ambush, though it's oddly suspicious since both said about the same things as if both were rehearsing how to make an apology to Arthur . Although the two outlaws are regularly at odds over Dutch's decision-making and constant planning, this detail suggests that Dutch does genuinely care about Arthur. Hidden Red Dead Redemption 2 Detail Shows Dutch Really Cares About Arthur, story hints that developer Rockstar Games hides, Red Dead Online Players Can Now Turn Into Rabbits, relationship between Dutch and Arthur Morgan, Dutch's decision-making and constant planning. This is to say nothing of what the gangs main funds go to. Basicly Dutch walks up to Arthur and says he is really sorry about what happened, then Arthur asks what happened after he got kidnapped and Dutch said. Although Kieran does choose to stay, the very prospect of Arthur letting him go at all is ridiculous. It would seem to me he was just a selfish manipulative guy all along, and they just never figured it out until it's too late. "I hadn't sent for you yet" as if it was almost a threat. In 1874, when Arthur was 11 years old, his father was arrested for larceny. Also, Dutch misjudged Arthur's intentions all throughout the game because Dutch believed that Arthur would betray him as soon as they got the money (last train robbery). But he wanted Sean rescued, and he knew that was going to be bloody. Dutch and his enemy Colm O'Driscoll were once on friendlier terms, working together. Don't you think it's a little strange how the O'Driscolls seemed to know exactly where you would be? It is a tiny detail, but it is interesting to see. Belle uses what little free time she has to play Guild Wars 2 with her partner, work toward that 5-star rating in Animal Crossing, and wonder when the new Dragon Age installment is coming out. Finally, Arthur cried. submitted 1 year ago bySomepersonininternet Hosea Matthews, Can someone tell me why did Dutch do such a thing? They were just like nothing happened? This was likely Dutch's attempt to create some distance between the gang and Pinkertons. \ 25 FEB-3 MARCH 2023 More adventures in \ } i " Back for the final series the Star Wars galaxy SRY. For instance, you can learn plenty of little details about the character just by keeping your ears and eyes open, even while just walking around your camp. Yeah, I could get behind this, and now I know I should read the journal more. I don't think there is any conspiracy with what happened in that mission, some believe Dutch tried to give Arthur over to Colm as some sort of peace offering but if that was the case then why didn't Colm say that to Arthur after they kidnapped him, it would have been the best way to break Arthur but instead Colm told Arthur that he kidnapped him so that he could lead the gang into a trap when they come to save him. Dutch apologizes to Arthur on his and Micah's behalf after Arthur flees from O'Driscolls and gets back to the camp all on his own.Thanks for watching!Please . He doesnt say it out loud to him, but the vibe changes. It wasn't something they planned and agreed on, but it was something both men came to realize. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Please tell me Im missing something. Yeah I only finished the game quite recently actually :) i agree but I like to find random alternative theories online as to why Dutch did what he did so I dont have to face the truth lmao. rdr2 horse names arthur will saygarberiel battery charger manual 26th February 2023 . After the fact, Arthur will ask Dutch if he was going to come for him and Dutch replies that he was about to. That was one less obstacle for Micah to hurdle later on and would deal a significant blow towards the overall morale in camp (and further isolate Dutch to his influence). Tratado de fisiologia Medica (Arthur Clifton Guyton; John E. Hall, Arthur C. Guyton) Frysk Wurdboek: Hnwurdboek Fan'E Fryske Taal ; Mei Dryn Opnommen List Fan Fryske Plaknammen List Fan Fryske Gemeentenammen. Maybe it was his idea to abduct Arthur as well. If players do spend too much time away from the Red Dead Redemption 2 camp, Dutch will send out a member of the group to find Arthur Morgan and bring him back. Follow behind him until you can stealthily take him out. Dutch never seems to do something himself so he probably had the other men looking for Arthur. Language: English Words: 5,626 Chapters: "WellI just might." TheGamer is the leading source for video game news, reviews, topical features, and deep-dive interviews, delivered right through your eyeballs and into your brain box. Either way, the fact that Rockstar designed to recognize that Arthur has been away for so long and to send an NPC after him is a nice little touch. Keep in mind it's really cold outside, and he doesn't look like he's dressed for the weather. Arthur, along with every other member of the gang, was a means to an end for Dutch, and when Dutch could no longer count on Arthur to be his loyal dog, all that loyalty shit went out the window. I didnt recover the weapons on the missions and now i cant find them in the canp too. RELATED: RDR2's Horse Realism In Cold Weather Goes Deeper Than Players Thought That's why he left John too, he suspected that he was the rat, and with him in police custody, Dutch thought he could continue to observe and figure out if word of their plans kept getting out while John was behind bars. This finishesBlessed are the Peacemakers mainmission in Red Dead Redemption 2.Nowthe next questA Short Walk in a Pretty Town starts. Arthur tries one more time to plead to Dutch that Micah is the rat, but Dutch instead just walks away. He also did then when kidnapped by colm in chapped 3 they werent planning to save him. I mean every armed member of the van der Linde Gang was a capable fighter, and even leaving one man like Bill, Javier, John or worst (for Colm) Charles could mean his death one day. Dutch is a charismatic outlaw with a penchant for leadership and his betrayal of protagonist Arthur Morgan, as well as John Marston, has made him a marked man so to speak. Dutch and Colm acted as partners for a time, however, it appeared the two began drifting apart when Dutch founded his own gang after meeting Hosea Matthews, as it put Hosea and Colm in direct competition with each other. Jokes aside, I allways saw Dutch as this guy with a superiority complex, thinking hes the smartest around and the big dog, manipluating everyone around him like a fiddle, just makes me dislike him even more, even tho I still kinda have a soft apot for him, dont know why tho.. It's also possible that they just hadn't arranged a search party yet. The only known members of the gang (the ones we know for sure with individual high bounties in the US) are Dutch, Arthur and Hosea. Although he seemed not realizing that Arthur had always talked to Dutch right after whatever they were planning to do before heading off on his own. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Thanks for the reply mister, you have a fine day now. It could also because Micah was reassuring Dutch that Arthur would be fine since nothing happened from their side. Micah offered you up to them to secure the piece, then either didn't tell Dutch about it until after the meeting, or managed to get Dutch to agree to it. Colm told Arthur that he wanted to set a trap so that Dutch and the gang would be caught and he could then bargain with the law, the Van der Linde gang for his gangs freedom. stop caring about Arthur? Apparently, the creature will only allow Dutch to ride him. He says he is like a son to him and Arthur is always useful around camp. Both missions feature Dutch making a speech about his inability to fight nature. Where the former sees him using it as a boast, the latter shows a sincerity a genuine belief that he cannot live amongst the natural world any longer. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Privacy Policy. (Okay, other stuff happened and circumstances changed but that fact still remains!). He only assumed Arthur just got up and left to do whatever he felt like as he always seemed to be away to keep the provisions and supplies of the gang afloat. Its possible the sniper took a shot on Dutch and missed and they got away, I suppose. What I wrote above isn't 100% actuate as to what was said because I was writing it down from memory but it is along the lines of what was said. Finally, press the left stick up to raise the candle to the wound. Someone betrayed them. His speech is one driven exclusively by ego, rallying his men under HIS name. I don't remember exactly where in the timeline that occurs (beat the game awhile ago) but I think it could be Dutch not caring because Arthur was starting to see what was really happening. View her full portfolio at Its hard to deny just how large a role Dutch Van Der Linde plays in the first Red Dead Redemption. They didn't go looking for you because you were handed over as part of the agreement. Isn't that a bit weird? Both of us -- They offered me a price, Dutch, to bring you in." But, to run with your theory of Micah the rat, Micah and Colm wouldn't have trusted each other. Red Dead Redemption IIreveals the story of the Van der Linde gang. You can even read the tombstones. November 2, 2018 by Jack McBastard 9 Comments. I like to think that at this point in the story Dutch still cared about Arthur a lot, so what happened? At 2 o'clock, the trio burst into the banking house of Lee and Hoyt and held up the staff and customers. 10 Ridiculous Hidden Details About Dutch Van Der Linde In Red Dead Redemption 2, You Can Find Dutchs Mothers Grave In Blackwater, Favored Sons Parallels With And The Truth Will Set You Free, Dutch Never Donates His Own Money To The Camp, Dutchs Ego Is On View As Early As Chapter One, own arc that is filled with ups and downs, Dutch's Best Quotes In Red Dead Redemption 2, The Best Poker Mini-Games In Gaming, Ranked, Games To Play If You Loved Red Dead Redemption 2. Hidden Easter eggs, cut game-file content and much more! Nederlnsk - Frysk (Visser W.) Utdanning, ulikskap og urettferd (Steinar Byum) K. (Bernardo Kucinski) RELATED: 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 Memes That Every Player Can Relate To. I just finished this mission. No one actually matters to Dutch anymore, if they ever did. Watch Dutch and Micah through the binoculars, and wait for the meeting. Just as Dutch and Colm get into it, the truth of the trap is revealed. None of his money goes towards the upgraded tent, but he gets it nonetheless. Hosea tried to con Dutch, but Dutch was doing the same thing and had actually stolen from him. "Oh, Arthur, don't worry too much," Colm said, leaning in close. Arthur learned the hard way that no matter how much he did for dutch, Dutch isn't really think of anybody else as equals. Dutch knows these people will owe him. Since the Eurovision Song Contest began in 1956 and until semi-finals were introduced in 2004, a total of 917 entries were submitted, comprising songs and artists which represented thirty-eight countries. Even if he couldnt capture everyone he had to kill them all to be safe. This is most clearly seen in Favored Son, a mission which parallels And the Truth will Set You Free from the first game. If you talk to Sadie in the camp after the mission, Arthur said that it all happened way too quickly and he still can't process the fact that dutch left him to die. Fans still don't know if Red Dead Redemption 2 will ever get any future story content, but Red Dead Online is still going strong. Austrian film and stage actress [2] Jenny Alpha. A lot of players dont want to believe that Dutch was always a piece of shit, and that he only went crazy with the stressful events of the game, but as both Arthur and John recognize, He just started becoming more of who he really was., He may of said something but his reaction wasnt very big is probably what they mean Im a bit annoyed he didnt have an argument with Dutch over it. Do you lose all your money after this mission? If you decide to kill him, Arthur will choke him and leave him in the barn. They're just pawns in his eyes. But then he "went" crazy. We dont see what happens at the meet up after Arthur fades to black. Instead zoom out your minimap, and head to the northwest, between the ODriscoll patrols that are keeping watch in the area. When they became sick, or questioned him, they weren't useful anymore. Should you desire to do so, youll find the grave of a Mrs. van der Linde. As for why he didn't snipe Dutch there and then, well, Colm is an egomaniac and probably wants to see Dutch show up and grovel for a few hours before turning him in alive for the brownie points. They were waiting til first light to try and follow your tracks. Perhaps Mr. Van Der Linde misunderstood some of the writer's teachings. 1910-2010. He starts seeing the light through the cracks. Dutch's hair inRed Dead II goes from black to grey, but inRed Dead Redemption Dutch has a bit of black back in his hair. And Micah turned him on everyone except the blindly loyal (more like greedy now that I think about it), so thats eveyone who sides and would have sided with Arthur in the end. Hogwarts Legacy All Demiguise Statue Locations, Hogwarts Legacy Scropes Last Hope Walkthrough, Hogwarts Legacy How to Increase Inventory Size, Free yourself and perform self-surgery within 1 minute, Recover your weapons from the ODriscolls camp, Kill the ODriscoll gang members that beat and shot you, Escape the ODriscolls camp without being spotted. You will have to move quickly to meet the gold medal requirements, so watch the prompts carefully. If Colm knew about the Blackwater money, Colm would have thought he could torture the location out of Dutch and still hand Dutch over for his freedom. Now you have to do something about that gunshot wound. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I think R* was trying to convey that they purposefully didn't bother going after him at this point. anthony apocalypse costume; mark dellagrotte record; shohreh aghdashloo ever after; wendy's employment verification; is it haram to wear shorts to sleep; chilled fruit soups royal caribbean; mario morales jr; Hell, New Austin was supposed to be used for something with Arthur. Both characters did not have a family and were committing crimes before being saved by Dutch. If you return to camp and just sit still for a while, Dutch will come up to you and explain what he thought happened. Dutch mentions what happened after. Morgan later witnessed his death and, despite a . Dutch rescued John from being hanged,. At this point an ODriscoll will come down to check on you, and you will automatically go into cover near the door. Maybe they returned camp in order to get Javier? Where did Arthur go wrong early on. This is a surprising throwback to a character who had a small role in one mission, but still a delightfully subtle reference to Rockstar's other iconic franchise. Dude i just ecpirenced this scene for the first time, im high asf and it kinda hurt me, really cut deep, I feel you! From there, several gang members slowed themselves down and, instead of helping them, Dutch left them behind so that he could escape. RDR2 is very similar, but it is aware of said similarities and uses them as a strength. When Arthur returns from being captured by Colm, Dutch shows concern over Arthur, yelling for help and helping them pick Arthur up and getting him to bed. Arthur even mentiones as much when talking to Dutch afterwards, saying he doesn't think the guy stands much of a chance. He took his advice and concern as disloyalty and by Chapter 5 Dutch is pretty much just listening to Micah, They already said that he didnt listen to any advice from Arthur you dont need to be so condescending if thats your intention. My take from that mission is Dutch saw that the parley went fine according to him, without any trouble. Arthur Morgan is able to attestThe Count will not let anyone but Dutch ride him. Although the game never gets into what exactly happened in Blackwater - mostly because neither John or Arthur were actually present for the ordeal - you can piece together the main beats thanks to a mix of Arthurs journal and Dutchs true nature. Many members of the Van Der Linde gang have their own specific horse. Artur is a playable character from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. It isnt a particularly flattering picture. Dutch and Micah want to keep riding with their money, but Arthur and Sadie go to save Abigail, refusing to let Jack grow up as an orphan. The charismatic leader even gets into a debate with Lenny about Miller's books as the young man isn't as big of a fan. 1874-1980. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Anyone who has playedGrand Theft Auto IV might recognize this as the name of a certain character. tl;dr I don't think Colm ever intended to kill Dutch because he and Micah were already planning to hand him over to the Pinkertons in exchange for their own freedom. Arthur reveals that he tried to mount the horse once but was immediately bucked off. MORE: Red Dead 2 Player Finds Secret Cutscene. Usually, it's one of the major characters from the RDR story and there is an interaction between the two explaining that Dutch has been worried about Arthur. The game draws attention to Dutch's injury, with Arthur and Lenny both acknowledging something is wrong directly after the crash and in the shoot-out that occurs afterwards. After this, Colm leaves. Even the first mission is quite frankly enough to telegraph that Dutchs gang is run entirely off of his ego. Dutch ended up leaving all the Blackwater money to John for a real chance at a new life (in a way you could argue Dutch was honoring Arthur's final wishes since Arthur wanted John to have the life he couldn't) while also making a statement that despite many people believing Dutch is greedy, it was never truly about the money. For more information, please see our Can someone tell me why did Dutch do such a thing? He basically dominated Arthurs life for two decades because of this. All he cared about at that point was trying to rectify all his wrongdoings and to try to protect John and his family. Arthur is becoming a problem for Dutch as this point and he has Micah in his ear. She's played video games for at least as long as she could write, and vice versa! Clearly RDR2 has a lot of cut content. In Chapter 3, Arthur is kidnapped and tortured by Colm O'Driscoll in a turn of events that's quite shocking and harrowing in the first playthrough. It felt like it just happens then it's over without it really mattering. I remember him first being hostile on the alligator mission and it just gets worse from there. Where are they? Its not as happy go lucky, hes reserved and questioning. I like to think that everyone that died up until then would have chosen Arthurs side (Hosea, Lenny and Saun). He first appears in Chapter 4 in Za'ha Woods with Lute when monsters begin roaming the land. Press J to jump to the feed. Even though they were supposed to meet after the meetup but Arthur also sort of does his own thing so he might not have been that concerned. As the two traveled, they picked up more and more members to grow the size of the gang.

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