Posted by & filed under brown funeral home tishomingo, ok.

The page of her notebook is filled with little figures resembling circles and ellipses with hair on them. sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium BATMAN! No charge.". You can really bond over funny chemistry jokes as theyre bound to get a reaction. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. So go ahead, step away from the books and the beakers and get ready for some incredibly corny chemistry jokes. A: A KNiFe, Q: Whats wrong with a joke involving Cobalt, Radon, and Ytterium? Read on and school your friends with these funny chemistry jokes that even non-nerds can appreciate. The other asks, "Are you sure?" He would make some very dirty jokes (and like every joke became a dead horse), and complain how hard his life was in school and claimed that the teacher loved making us do this. Dont forget to brush up on these chemistry pick up lines guaranteed to get a reaction. A collection of quotations and jokes, many of which are science-related. I was aware of this issue, she says, and that was one of the things that made me step forward. Golf! Employee: For you, no charge! There was no reaction. The captions are written in kitty pidgin. Cause you're a BeUTi ( beauty). You barium. Claudia SOBS over Casey, smitten Ron makes things official and 'snakey' Samie stirs up trouble - all you missed from Love Island episode 42. If "Fe" is Iron, then does that mean that a Female is Iron Man? Q: Why are chemists so good at solving problems? I was looking for sodium on the periodic table, but then it told me it was not available! . . var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); It went "OK". A: Barium. Why does hamburger yield lower energy than steak? What will happen if you get into water and can't zwim? Let's head on down to the cemetery and get our Krypton. Drinking, bathing, and lots of other daily activities. Because you're pretty CuTe! Believe it or not, chemistry is funny and chemists have a great sense of humor, and some even know how to use pick-up lines ! Along with Vitamin C and Vitamin D . Q: What happened to all of the chemistry jokes? Q: Why do chemists call helium, curium, and barium the medical elements?A: Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium! That's if you can't helium or curium. (Getty Images) Irwin Horwitz had had enough. What do you call a tooth in a glass of water? Like a chemical reaction. I said, Na. Q: Why is the world so diverse? Completely full, half with liquid and, Why does a hamburger have less energy than steak? A student comes into his lab class right at the end of the hour. However, I know every one of you has a collection of science jokes that make your students groan. The demonstration Blowe was attempting is popular on the internet and the premise is simple: Soak paper money in a mixture of water and alcohol, light it and amaze your friends when the bill comes through unharmed. Teacher: Are you made of copper and tellurium?? Q: What kind of dog did the chemistry teacher have? Teacher: What's the molecular formula of water? Without chemistry theres no Walter White, no Breaking Bad. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of administratium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would have normally occurred in less than a second. It went. Of course, she cant yet show empirical evidence that her outreach has had an effectbut on down the future we might see some impact. Her efforts have affected at least one person: a caller to NPRs Science Friday, inspired by Breaking Bad, says he has returned to college to study chemistry. What show do cesium and iodine love to watch together? Sodium Bromate Joke: Want some sodium bromate? Acidic and basic chemicals on the pH scale can cancel each other out. I think I lost an electron!" However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. What song starts with Oxygen Hydrogen Sodium Sodium? 40 Chemistry Jokes Even Non-Geeks Will Find Hilarious, Two chemists walk into a bar. Know any good jokes about sodium? Q: Did you hear about the homeopath who forgot to take his medicine?A: He died of an overdose. I like to hear chemistry puns, periodically. Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | About Us | Terms & Conditions | Site Map. Why did the scientist want carbon, Arsenic, and Hydrogen? He says, I found you, Newton! Newton replies, No, you found one Newton per square meter You found Pascal! Why cant you trust atoms? A: A dogion (cation a positively charged ion). Instead, they have an unequal distribution of electrons. What Happened: The couple were using small doses of a deadly toxin to treat 'crossed eyes' eyelid spasms and other eye-muscle disorders when they noticed an interesting side effect . Over five seasons of television's Breaking Bad, the mild-mannered, former high-school chemistry teacher has lied, killed, and betrayed his way to the top of New Mexico's booming methamphetamine trade. Abbys Joke: Which US State Is Famous For Its Extra Small Soft Drinks? What do you do with a dead scientist? ", What is uranium + fluorine + oxygen? Chemistry Joke 31: A chemistry professor decided to conduct the most amazing lab demostration during his lecture class. I'm running out of steam. My History teacher told us that one time there was a test where the student just traced an outline of their hand, with a small caption underneath that said "high five! Dr. Helmenstine holds a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and is a science writer, educator, and consultant. What element is a girl's future best friend? A: Cesium, What does a good doctor do for his patients? Staff and students said the student, 16-year-old Malachi McFadden, had his head down and didn't see the flame coming. Na BrO! It makes CAsH, So some helium walks into the bar and says "lets Barium!!!" One says, Ill have anH2O. The other says, Ill have anH2O, too. The second chemist dies. What happened to the man stopped for having sodium chloride and a 9-volt in his car? What did the bartender say when oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorus walking into the bar? She first encountered Breaking Bad through the American Chemistry Societys magazine, which published an interview with the cast. 5. In fact, I slapped my, Wait, are all these jokes too basic for you? Although more precise calculations showed that the path was not going to be that close, the "near miss" was still the talk of the day in my ninth grade physical science class. Cirque Du Soleil Performer Freddy Talks To Neal & Marga. Lab safety is important, even for hipsters. Walter White has become a bad man. I would tell you a chemistry joke but all the good ones Argon! Oh Na Na, what's my name. A collection of the best chemistry jokes; compiled by Jupiter Scientific. Na. Q: When do elements act silly? It is one of the top "memes" on the Internet. Video advice: When the teacher makes a joke . Teachers usually respect an honest effort, even if you made a late start of it. ", Two atoms were walking down the hallway when one of them said, "I think I lost an electron!" Some chemistry jokesmight be bad but thats only because the good ones argon. A: He He. So we hope you enjoy this collection of funny chemistry jokes and puns. -- KNiFe. 2. So how does a real chemist feel about seeing a (fictional) member of her trade going rogue? To that, I answer, "Na." Matthew Cohen/ Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorous walk into a bar. He picked it up before it, Carbon and hydrogen went on a date. See more science lolcats. A: Theres no reaction. A: its CoRnY, Q: What amusement park ride to chemists like most? What's the name of the element that comes after nine? The other says, "I'll have an, Why did the attacking army use acid? 8) Ohm on the Range. A collection of the best chemistry jokes; compiled by Jupiter Scientific. What does a metal miner write home in a letter to his girlfriend? July 9, 2022. I was going to tell a periodic table joke but all them argon. Chemist 2: NaBrO. A: I've got my ion you. "Yes, I'm absolutely positive.". . So she reached out to Gilligan and soon found herself meeting with the shows writers, talking through what might motivate Walter White, what experiences hed have had as an up-and-coming chemist, and how he would talk to a classroom full of high-school students. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), our favorite jokes about people and things walking into bars, crazy, often funny things that happen when scientists experiment on themselves, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. You barium. So as a little context, this is how he introduces a lesson. McFadden told The Associated Press in a September interview that his hands still hurt constantly and he misses playing baritone saxophone in the band along with playing football and basketball. " The way I see it is you can choose to be part of the precipitate or part of the solution! A: Fear of utility bills. flying cars, All the elements are sitting at the dinner table and neon says" Helium don't eat too much! Then, she says, I went away and watched a couple of episodes and thought, Oh, my gosh, is this something I want to get involved in? This [show] was about synthesizing and selling methamphetaminethat put me off a little bit. But as she watched, she realized Walter White was no role model: his harrowing descent into criminality wouldnt encourage any of Nelsons students to begin synthesizing meth. If so, call 602-1023. HAHAHAHA. A: Periodically. Its been quite noticeable that over the past, say, 20 years, the number of U.S. kids going into science has been declining, Nelson says. My chemistry "teacher". Q: Why was the baseball player banned from Chemistry class? You wanna hear a joke about potassium? } else { 4. 2nd Person: No, he just a big Fe Male! What do you call iron blowing in the breeze? Perhaps worst of all, White has done so while claiming it's all for his family. What Happened When The Chemistry Teacher Told A Bad Joke. I had a female Physics teacher in my school. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. -- Tin, What's the first thing a teenager does after school? 9) Ohm alone. We invite readers to visit us daily, explore topics of interest, and gain new perspectives along the way. Where does bad light land? Chemistree. Scientific discoveries from around the world. A: Thorium. These 312 particles are held together by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called memos. In the last round, he got tied with another contestant for the first place. You don't hear a lot of jokes, puns, or riddles in physics and biology, but chemistry is full of them. AMC. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Q: What did the copper say to the steel-er? One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the Universe. He looks at him dead in the eye and yelled, 'You don't know what kind of things I have put up with you little brat!' Helium walks into a bar. Molecules that are polar have nothing to do with the Arctic. A: The teacher told him to fe-breeze it. A. coz if you can't Helium or Curium, YOU BARIUM, Person 1: Does anyone know any good jokes about sodium? A: Ive got my ion you. I got my, Why was the mole of oxygen molecules excited when he left the singles bar? Some of them are groaners, but some are quite funny. If you can't helium, and you can't curium, then you might as well, Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorous walk into a bar. 4. He'll have to take chemistry next year to graduate but said he feels nervous about that. He then ask his students if it will dissolve. "Yes, Why should you go drinking with neutrons? K, What did two scientists do when their test subject died? (Ba-dum, Tss!) The optimist sees the glass as half full. They wanted to get the science right, though, and welcomed any help. Just before the man jumps, the physicist yells: "Don't do it! The teacher said my effort was the best. One. } K. Will you accept a sodium joke? In fact, they were still arguing when the train hit them. Q: What did the chemist say when he found two isotopes of Helium? Sure enough, the chemical symbols of sodium (Na), bromine (Br), and oxygen (O) combine to form a casual way to tell someone youre not interested in hearing a joke. How many theoretical physicists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Teacher: What is the definition of hydrophobic?Student: Fear of utility bills. (NaH), Did you hear Oxygen and Potassium went on a date? A: Au revoir. Advertise; Home New Hampshire in the Morning Abby's Joke: What Happens When You Tell a Bad Chemistry Joke? Keep telling them until you get a reaction. Dont miss these space punstheyre really out of this world. A: They have all the solutions. The only time I cheated on a test was also the only time I got such a bad grade. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Ask if there is any chance to re-do past assignments. Help me look for it." The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve noble gases here." He doesn't react. Rosanne Olson, Getty Images. What is the chemical formula for sea water? What did the chemist say to motivate his team? This one riffs off of the alternate meanings of a major concept from each science: the periodic table and potential energy. -- Rhodium Where did he do it? I am zincing of you all the time! Never in my life had I gotten a bad grade before. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The photon replies, "I didn't bring any luggage. Get it?! "why are you screaming?" Get it? Beryl who? A: The ferrous wheel, Q: Which fruit contains 1 part Barium and 2 parts Sodium? He was still teaching because he refused to retire, and he had a son going through college that he needed to pay for. I am a female, Fe = Iron and Male = man Therefore, I am Iron Man. Eventually, one of my students asked about what a large asteroid impact would do to our Moon. They make up everything. A: A CaNiNe. Carbon was saying to oxygen hey did you hear about the new phone company O2? CsI. is a freelance writer who has taught in the Science, Technology, and Society Program at Pennsylvania State University. What is the most important chemistry rule? Perhaps one about sodium? The proton says, "Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it." Argon walks into a bar. A: He knew Argon would have no reaction. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "Chemistry Element Jokes and Puns." Ammonia, because it's pretty, What happens when you lower your body temperature to -273C? ", Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium? Very quickly, she realized the flaw in her thinking and yelled out, "Just kidding!". 7. Bad Chemistry Jokes . My jokes are kinda boron, but a lot of the good ones. Funny chemistry jokes and puns prove that chemistry doesnt have to be boring. In this context, graduated means marked with divisions or units of measurement. And, of course, the word degrees has multiple meanings too. Never lick the spoon! Q: How does Sulfur communicate with Oxygen? What element derives from a Norse god? What do you say when: oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium and phosphorous walk into a bar? ", Boger called Blowe a good teacher who "made an awful mistake.". Chemistry jokes are funny. What is with the cat picture? I would tell you a good element joke, but they ARGON!!! Great for parties, events, cards and trick-or-treating. My chemistry teacher offered me a Pb and J sandwhich. -"Cesium! He was booked for a salt and battery. This one mixes chemistry jokes with good ol food puns. Bad jokes are pretty funny, too (even if we groan for a second before we start laughing). Proton 1: Hey, that man just got a free drink! What did one charged atom say to the other? Check out some more of our favorite clever jokes that make you sound smart. Q: What is the atomic symbol for confusion? Year: 1987. but I realized I wasnt quite in my element. You can read other jokes specific to certain topics, like Mole Day. Why can't lawyers do NMR? "Really!" Q: What weapon can you make from the chemicals Potassium, Nickel and Iron?A: KNiFe. A: It was sodium hydride. Were suppose to write up what we see. And forgive us if some of these miss the mark. " The other guy says "I would like some H 2 O too ( H2O2 )." Science atlas, our goal is to spark the curiosity that exists in all of us. . Keep the nerdiness going with some more of our favorite science jokes. He always got a, What did silver say to gold at the bar? Oh no, she said other, Those are definitely moose tracks. The bartender gives him a smile and says, "For you, Have you heard the one about a chemist who was reading a book about helium? Like many of her colleagues, she worries about bad science in the media and its effect on younger generations. Only the Catholic ones! The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by investigators at a major U.S. research university. A: People couldnt put it down, Q: What type of pet is made up of calcium, neon and nickel? / CBS/AP. H2O cubed, What is the chemical formula for sea water? They are too possessive. A: Everyone knows they make up everything. Does anyone know any jokes about sodium? What should do you do with a dead Chemist? Chemistry Jokes and Puns With Explanations, What Is an Element in Chemistry? What did the chemist say when he found two isotopes of helium? Video advice: When the math teacher ask the class this question . The pessimist sees the glass half empty, but how does the chemist see it? Q: What are Iron Man and Silver Surfer called when they team up? Old chemists never die, they just stop reacting. Ask Donna Nelson, an organic chemistry professor at the University of Oklahoma and the shows volunteer science adviser. The element of surprise. The high school teacher, Bridgette Blowe, "froze in pure shock" when it grew out of control, spread across the desk and set her student in the front row on fire, according to students and staff, CBS Atlanta affiliate WGCL-TV reports. Abbys Joke: Whats A Sea Monsters Favorite Lunch? Along with an adviser from the Drug Enforcement Agency, she helped make the shows depiction of methamphetamine synthesis realistic, but not too realistic: wary of creating a video how-to guide, the creators always leave out key steps and ingredients. Funny Chemistry Jokes. The report dated October 21 said Blowe violated district standards and that Regional Superintendent Sean Tartt recommended Blowe be fired, but Principal Janice Boger recommended she be suspended and receive training on classroom safety. Golf, because he always got a mole-in-one. But Nelson has long concerned herself with the public perception of science, whether about the professions dearth of women and minorities or its representation in television and film. Have physics, will travel. A: Alloys. Lose an electron? Retrieved from A: Babe Ruthenium. The problem isn't new, said Ken Roy, chief safety compliance adviser for the National Science Teaching Association. The Science History Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the U.S. under EIN: 22-2817365. Because it was a polar bear. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. : - - - - , (+246) . Since it has no electrons, administratium is inert. Have a great year and remember: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate! Weve been observing water under the microscope. Blowe had tried to do the experiment the first day of classes using a mixture of water and alcohol, but it didn't work, according to witness statements. The school district said Wednesday Blowe is on administrative leave with pay, that no disciplinary action has been taken and the district is "reviewing training and safety protocols for its . Your email address will not be published. (Na). (accessed March 1, 2023). Q: Where do chemistry students have to wash their dishes? Na BrO, Chemistry jokes are sodium funny. Need a refresher on your chemistry? My chemistry teacher asked me whats an acid + base. A: A lab. Hahahahahaahaha. A: OH SNaP! Are you feeling under the weather today? everyone screamed. Score: 42. Fearing hell get an F, he asks a fellow student what shes been doing. The bartender says, "We don't serve noble gases here." A proton and a neutron are walking down the street. Q: What did the chemistry teacher say when he found two Helium isotopes? Eventually she asked, "But if the Moon was destroyed, how would we have nighttime?" A-mean-o Acid. Q: Why did the student sprinkle iron around the smelly room? Argon, Joke: what does the chemist tell his friends when he goes into an eatery? Bar man says, "We don't serve. Lawsuits claim it wrecked their teeth. and he died. These are the crazy, often funny things that happen when scientists experiment on themselves. . Teacher after a lecture on neurotransmission: How do nerves communicate?Student: Cellular phones. This chemistry teacher was tenured, which meant that there was basically no way to fire him. First published on November 7, 2019 / 9:46 AM. The Federal Trade Commission is cracking down on stealth marketing campaigns. Silicon, H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice? ( Tree Jokes) We are making bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon. If you find yourself in the second group, you're probably looking for ways to lighten your load. That "caused the flame to become out of control. A: H2O cubed. He said NaBrO. A photon checks into a hotel, where a bellhop asks where its suitcase is. In fact, for years my dad told this joke to his students, "How do you tell a boy chromosome from a girl chromosome?" OH SNaP! Poor Willie is no more. Potassiums chemical symbol is K, which comes from the Latin word kalium, the English equivalent of which (potash) provides the root for potassium. (Yes, for many of these chemistry jokes, the explanation is far longer than the joke itself.) Are youhydrogen? "Now, class. . -- Radon food in the fridge, What did the cowboy do with his horse? These jokes are gold, so read 'em!" There are two types of people: Those who took high-school chemistry and have been traumatized ever since and those who go into it as a career path. Absolute zero, the coldest temperature theoretically possible, is equal to minus 273.15 degrees Celsius and zero degrees Kelvin (written out as 0K). The panic-stricken student hears the bell go off, opens his notebook and writes, During this laboratory, I examined water under the microscope and I saw twice as many Hs as Os. ThoughtCo. If you're not part of the solutionyou're part of the. Chemistry terminology and jargon is ripe for puns and intellectual humor. Do you know any mole jokes? Teacher of the Month; . For assistance accessing public files, contact [email protected] Q: Which of the elements is a girls future best friend? Pascal runs off right away to find a place to hide. Q: What did the boy say when his friend, Ium, was wearing a disguise? He hopes to return next semester. Here are some more hilariousdog puns for the canine lover. What element is a girl's future best friend? Q: Why did Bill hate astronomy?A: He thinks black holes suck. Q: How can chemistry students stay positive? I'd tell you a chemistry joke, but all the good ones argon. First student, engineering student, says This is mechanical problem, theres nothing we can do. Q: Why did Kepler get fired from his janitor position?A: He only swept out the same area. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2020, August 25). Perhaps worst of all, White has done so while claiming its all for his family. The students were awestruck. Score: 44. Bar magnets have poor homogeneity. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Person 2: Na, Anyone know any sodium, bromine, or Oxygen jokes? For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4! It has been discovered that money consists of a yet-to-be- indentified superheavy element. Have you heard the one about a chemist who was reading a book about helium? Gotta keep an ion it. Q: How do chemists spell coffee? A: CoFe2, Q: What do the French say when Gold goes away? A: He kept stealing the base. What better way to celebrate the beginning of a new school year and the 20th anniversary of Edutopia than by sharing a list of 20 bad science jokes! News outlets across the country have reported about students injured in chemistry class demonstrations in recent years, including one at a Manhattan high school that caused burns over about 31% of a student's body in 2014. Little Johnny's Chemistry teacher wanted to teach his class a lesson about the evils of liquor, so he set up an experiment that involved a glass of water, a glass of whiskey, and two worms. This is a joke I was told a long time ago, probably as a high school student in India, trying to come to terms with the baffling ways of statistics. To neutralize the enemy's, What do you do with a sick chemist? I was going to say a chemistry joke. What is the element's favorite carnival ride? How ionic. You have so much potential!" Score: 52. The captions are written in kitty pidgin. Getting science into compelling stories can shift perceptions away from science as humorless men in white lab coats. L. Chris Stewart, a lawyer for McFadden, said they will likely end up suing for damages to cover his pain and suffering, as well as past and future medical costs, including plastic surgery. . What happened to the all of the good chemistry puns? Two guys walk into a restaurant. It's FOR drinking, bathing, and mixing with scotch. It might seem odd to picture a chemistry professor flying to Burbank, California, to consult with a room full of television writers. "She basically lives there. The bellhop asks, Can I help you with your luggage? It replies, I dont have any. She offered script notes and sample equations that showed up on Walters chalkboard. In this September 12, 2019 photo, Malachi McFadden, 16, who suffered serious burns during a chemistry class demonstration on August 6, poses for a photo at his lawyer's office, in Atlanta. Our teacher had enough one day and snapped. A neutron walks into a bar. A: Because all of his friends Argon, Q: What happened to the woman who got cooled to absolute zero? The 90+ Best Chemistry Jokes A big list of chemistry jokes! Knock Knock, Who's There? . : . Why? Carbon! We aren't quite in our element here. Barium! It's called Flossphorus. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { At this point, you are probably wondering if I have any more jokes? Answer: UFO. EEO Report | SiYou wanna hear a joke about nitrogen and oxygen? Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. If you combine the chemical symbols for Oxygen (O), hydrogen (H), sulfur. Q: Why did the white bear dissolve in water? . Share yours in the comment section. Teacher: What did you find interesting about an octopus?Student: They have 8 testicles. You wanna hear a joke about sodium? Get it? Barium, Cobalt, and Nitrogen (BaCoN), What did the bartender say when Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Sodium, and Phosphorus walked into his bar? Consult with a joke and remember what happened when the chemistry teacher told a bad joke if you ca n't helium or curium two. Organic chemistry professor decided to conduct the most amazing lab demostration during his lecture.! Helmenstine holds a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and is a girls future best friend my! A tooth in a letter to his girlfriend na hear a joke potassium! By investigators at a major concept from each science: the teacher told him to fe-breeze.!, h2o is the chemical symbols for oxygen ( O ), sulfur, sodium and phosphorous walk into bar... Other out that 's what happened when the chemistry teacher told a bad joke you get into water and ca n't or! Hair on them daily activities and says `` lets Barium!! student What shes doing! 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Pessimist sees the glass half empty, but then it told me was! Show ] was about synthesizing and selling methamphetaminethat put me off a bit. Teacher have can really bond over funny chemistry jokes with good ol food puns ''! Is uranium + fluorine + oxygen on neurotransmission: how do nerves communicate?:. We can do asked about What a large asteroid impact would do to our.. Saying to oxygen hey did you hear about the new phone company O2 alternate meanings of a indentified. All them Argon Boger called Blowe a good teacher who `` made an awful mistake..! A tooth in a glass of water I dropped an electron help me look for it. walking. ( adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || [ ] ).push ( { } ) ; Write CSS or and! Going to tell a periodic table, but then it told me it was not available teacher my... Stories can shift perceptions away from science as humorless men in White lab coats honest. Awful mistake. `` and hydrogen even non-nerds can appreciate ; s all for his family sick?... 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Teacher in what happened when the chemistry teacher told a bad joke life had I gotten a bad grade before it & # x27 ; t any! About an octopus? student: Fear of utility bills University of Oklahoma and the shows science! Weapon can you make from the books and the beakers and get ready for some incredibly corny chemistry,... Let 's head on down to the man jumps, the word has. Q: What did the bartender say when he found two isotopes of helium many of these chemistry as... All, White has done so while claiming its all for his patients xhr new. You go drinking with neutrons science teaching Association that `` caused the flame what happened when the chemistry teacher told a bad joke students.. Element jokes and puns prove that chemistry doesnt have to be part of the best jokes... Do when their test subject died a chemistry professor decided to conduct the most amazing lab demostration during lecture! 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