I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Vicki Zandbergen has it all: eight consecutive Ultimates, Gold Club and 2017 champion, and she even drives Jordan to some of the stages. (thanks in advance)
How is your training going? It’s starting to go OK, but I’ve been injured, so there was a big setback.
How will your ENDURrun 2019 compare to previous years? Unsure, but I’ll need to take it day by day.
What are the key pieces of advice to Rookies that you’ve learned over the years? Get to the start line healthy.
For someone who has never been to ENDURrun week, what should they expect? The week will go by much faster than you anticipate!
What about ENDURrun keeps you coming back? The people: runners and volunteers alike.
What are your ENDURrun 2019 stories? I injured myself pretty badly at Boston this year, so I’m just trying to get back at it. I had a 3 month gap in my run training this spring/early summer and had a 5 week plan to get ready for ENDURrun. Eek.
What are you most looking forward to about ENDURrun 2019? The body cooperating and finally running higher mileage again.
Can you share any details of your training? It’s minimal this year. I’m just trying to get to the start line healthy and reasonably strong.
What is your runner profile? Started running casually in 2005, ran my first race in October 2006. First Ultimate in 2011. I race distances up to and including 50 miles, trail and road.