Posted by & filed under 2019.

We are excited to launch registration for our 2019 Relay Team division.

With Ultimate division growing, the Relay takes on a new importance as the most important way for new-to-ENDURrunners to get involved as a participant. Round up your teammates and start training!

A Relay team is 2-7 individuals who will each run one or more of the 7 Stages. Click here for 2018 Relay results.

Registration process

Race Roster

  • Every Relay Runner pays the set price (starting at $60), and has the option to purchase more spots in advance, up to the entire team.
  • Any runner wishes to pay in advance for other relay team members will receive promo codes by email for each extra spot purchased. Teammates can then use the codes to register for free.
  • Alternatively, any Relay runner can also simply register their entire team individually.
  • Please create a team in Race Roster (or join an existing one), and also write your team name in the text field.
  • Note that if you want to use a 2019 RW membership discount (25%) on Relay, you must wait until 2019 memberships become available later this fall.


  • The Relay team cap remains at 20 teams.
  • A team is not considered registered until all 7 spots are filled in Race Roster.
  • Once there are 20 teams with 7 members, all incomplete teams will be converted to Guest entries.


  • Each Ultimate runner can participate in Relay for free (this spot is for them only, and is not transferable).
  • For an Ultimate to start or join a team, email us with your interest and a description of who your team will be, and we will send you a promo code for yourself.
  • An established rule for Relay is that Ultimates can only run one Stage for one team. In 2019, we are also adding another new rule: only one Ultimate per team. So at most, 20 teams can have 1 Ultimate runner, for 20 total Ultimates in the Relay competition.